Undergraduate Dissertations


Bachelor of Arts dissertations submitted in partial fulfillment of degrees in English (including dialectology) and Special Studies in English (Scheme D), also including projects by occasional overseas students. A large proportion of these folklore, folk life and dialect studies contain printed items, photographs, diagrams and sketches, correspondence, maps and audio transcriptions. The studies of individual dialect localities, supervised by Harold Orton and later Stanley Ellis, follow an identical format, and were seen as supplementing the localities covered by the Survey of English Dialects. These studies, entitled 'The Living Dialect of...', comprise an introduction to the locality (often with accompanying maps, photographs and notes on informants), sections describing the sounds of the dialect, the development of Middle English sounds, tabular summaries of Old English, Middle English, Scandinavian and Old French equivalents of stressed vowels in the dialect, a Word List and appendices containing photographs, drawings, phonetic and orthographic transcriptions of any accompanying sound recordings. Orton and Ellis' ms. comments/corrections are evident throughout these studies.


Identifier zvs7mf41
IRN 410036
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/zvs7mf41
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Student Research Papers
Date 1948-1984
Size and Medium 34 boxes of unbound files; 125 bound volumes., 9 linear metres.
System of Arrangement The original Uppsala Real Register (Swedish folklife classification scheme) order has been retained. Within each section, items are arranged chronologically, and alphabetically by author. Bound volumes are shelved, unboxed; unbound items have been removed from their original clip folders, re-filed and boxed.

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