North-West Shropshire: Agricultural Custom and Belief


A study of agricultural custom and belief in Shropshire, based on interviews with seven informants (including members of the collector's family), and information in local magazines and a mid-nineteenth century veterinary manual. Information thus collected covers the period 1871 to 1973. The study is divided into six sections. The opening section provides an overview of the subject areas covered. Section two concerns supernatural beliefs, and covers death tokens (animals, birds, bees, agriculture), luck and animals, omens and observances, wishes and divination. Section three concerns death customs and agricultural customs, whilst the fourth section deals with weatherlore. Section five concerns veterinary medicine (magical - charms, talismans, warning object - and natural). The final section includes an index of ingredients in veterinary remedies.


Identifier l68dd2zr
IRN 410092
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/056
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Burton, Julia Sarah
Date 1974
Size and Medium 80 unbound typed leaves.

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