Farming Past and Present: A Study Based in the Village of Terrington St. John and the Surrounding Areas of the Fens of North West Norfolk


A study of the farming community of Terrington St. John in Norfolk, based largely on fieldwork interviews with local people. The study comprises nine chapters. The first presents a profile of the village, its associated trades and the major changes that have taken place in the fifty years up to 1977. Chapter Two introduces the collector's main informants, whilst the third chapter outlines a calendar year on a typical farm in the village, describing occupations and comparing and contrasting past and present farming methods (including ploughing, sowing, setting, manuring, strawberry picking, harvest time, gleaning, threshing and potato picking). Chapter Four describes general occupations on the farm and in the field (including draining, dyking, hedging, thatching, bird scaring, mole catching, ratting and rabbiting). Chapter Five deals with sheep and cattle, and Chapter Six assesses the contribution of the farm horse. Chapter Seven analyses the economy of the farm, and includes pages from an Accounts Book. Chapter Eight concerns women, children and special occasions, and includes descriptions of domestic routines and jobs, May Day, Royal Oak Day, Valentine's Day, harvest (or horkey) suppers. The final chapter presents stories, cures, superstitions and weatherlore gathered by the collector during fieldwork. Photographs of informants, farm implements and machinery, and farming methods, are included throughout.


Identifier lrd9nwn6
IRN 410107
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/071
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Pearson, Margaret Frances
Date 1977
Size and Medium 95 unbound typed leaves; 40 colour, 3 b/w photographs.

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