Children's Games, Rhymes and Songs


A collection of children's games, rhymes and songs collected in five Manchester and Leeds schools. The collected items have been classified according to function - skipping, ball, action and team games, street games. Some riddles, chants and counting-out rhymes heard during the fieldwork have been included as well. For each category, games, rhymes and songs recorded in both cities are listed first, then those recorded in Manchester only, followed by Leeds only. The skipping games contain examples where a song or rhyme is sung, where there are peppers or twists, where more than one child uses the rope at the same time, and other miscellaneous examples. Ball games include those where the game is played against a wall, where one child takes over from another without a break in play, and games proper. Team games include those played in a circle and with a song/chant, those not in a circle but with a song/chant, and those with no song or chant, but having someone On or It. The section containing street games proper are divided into those involving equipment, and those not requiring equipment. A number of dipping rhymes, chants, riddles, superstitions and indoor games are recorded. An Index of Titles, diagrams of hopscotch beds, a photocopy of a 1961 article from 'The Times' on children's games, and ten tune transcriptions, are included.


Identifier ngf4824p
IRN 410219
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/183
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Helliwell, Annette
Date 1964
Size and Medium iii, 88 unbound typed leaves, [20]; 8 b/w photographs.

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