Wheelwrighting: A Study of the Craft as Observed in a Shop in South Leeds


A study of wheelwrighting in Leeds, with particular reference to two businesses operating in the city in 1973. The study is divided into seven chapters. The first outlines the scope of the investigation, whilst the second provides a history of the wheel and its development. The third chapter covers the collector's meeting with a wheelwright, Harry Taylor, and the collector's subsequent visit to Barber Brothers [ Arthur Barber, wheelwright, and Edward Barber, blacksmith] with whom the rest of the study is concerned. A history of the business is presented in Chapter Four, with also descriptions of current activity and the work premises. The final three chapters describe the tools of the trade, the process of making a wheel and tyring, fitting and sundry smithings. A number of illustrations cut from booklets are included, along with photographs taken by the collector at the Barber Brothers' premises. These show the workshop, wheelwrighting tools, completed wheels, equipment and the fitting of a tyre to a wheel.


Identifier g78s1q1b
IRN 410091
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/055
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/g78s1q1b
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Ivall, Roderick
Date 1973
Size and Medium 61 unbound typed/ms. leaves; 22 b/w photographs.

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