Sure and Steadfast: A Study of Tradition in The Boys' Brigade


A study of the practices in the 3rd Sutton Coldfield Company of the Boys' Brigade, and also the 10th Leeds Company, based on the collector's experience as a member of the former for ten years, and involvement with the latter for eighteen months up to the presentation of the study. The first chapter presents the history and structure of the Boys' Brigade, with sections on its founding, expansion and development, the Haynes Report (1964) and after, and Brigade structure. Chapter Two describes ceremonial traditions, with sections on drill, church parades, the colours, the Parade Night, uniform, annual inspection and display. The third chapter describes Brigade activities, including annual camp, expedition weekends, the Bible class and music. Chapter Four focusses on the annual summer camp, with sections on site layout, camp staff, daily timetable, ceremonial, camp programme, activities, camp songs, tricks and pranks.


Identifier ntcys65r
IRN 410151
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/115
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) White, Peter S
Date 1983
Size and Medium 70 unbound typed leaves; 5 colour photographs.

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