The Craft of Hand Bookbinding: A Short History and Account of the Present State of the Craft. Its Traditions and Prospects Together with a Glossary of Terms Used by Binders
A study which charts the decline of the hand-made bookbinding craft since the beginning of the twentieth century, and records attitudes and beliefs disappearing in the face of fully mechanised Trade Binderies. The introductory section outlines a general aspect of bookbinding, the value of studying bookbinding and the sources referred to in the course of the investigation. The next section provides a short history of bookbinding, from ancient times through to the twentieth century. Sections Three and Four describe in detail the bookbinding process (Forwarding and Finishing), including work techniques, materials and tools. A fifth section contains songs, sayings and folklore connected with the bookbinding craft. An Appendix contains an extensive letterpress bookbinder's glossary, with also some terms from allied crafts. Illustrations include line drawings of the bookbinding process, examples of different types of binding taken from printed sources, tools and materials used and samples of bookbinding leather. A number of samples and illustrations are held loose within this study. Care should be taken when handling this item.
Identifier | g4yxr5hm |
IRN | 410072 |
Class Mark | LAVC/SRP/2/036 |
Level | File |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Undergraduate Dissertations |
Creator(s) | Brownridge, A N |
Date | 1967 |
Size and Medium | vii, 136 unbound typed leaves; leather samples. |