Clogs. Their Social Aspects, with Particular Reference to Fighting and Dancing


A study comprising four chapters. The first presents the historical, functional and social context of wooden soled footwear, with sections on working clogs and dress clogs. Chapter Two considers the clog in sports and pastimes, Chapter Three the clog fight as a folk life study (introduction, structure of the fight, rules). Chapter Four covers the clog dance, and describes the evolution of the dance (street, gymnasium, stage, revival), the dance itself (stepping, style, music), the dancer Johnson Ellwood and dance championships. Extensive appendices contain original and photocopied manuscript and printed items, and include a glossary, pictorial history of wooden soles, a list of clog types, a brief description of living conditions in Lancashire, Court Witness accounts, a transcript of an interview with Johnson Ellwood and photocopied items from his scrapbook, details of other activities performed in clogs, correspondence received from individuals, professionals and institutions, replies to the collector's questionnaire on wooden-soled footwear, the collector's letters to newspapers and individual responses from readers.


Identifier gmwy5wq5
IRN 410101
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/065
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Woolley, Hilary J
Date 1976
Size and Medium 122 unbound typed leaves. 2 volumes. 4 files. Copy.

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