Smithfield Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Market, Manchester


A study of Smithfield Market in Manchester, with sections on the production and transmission of goods to the wholesaler, imported produce, the ports and importers, the Liverpool auctions, home grown produce, statutory grading of fresh horticultural produce, a description of the Smithfield market, its administration and the wholesalers who supply the market's tenants. The final section concerns the new market, the building of which began in April 1971. Photographs illustrate the market complex and buildings, salespeople and market scenes, methods of delivery, site plan of the new market and markets in Leeds and Glasgow.


Identifier hrgsvvb9
IRN 410126
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/090
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Sutton, Carole
Date 1971
Size and Medium iv, 38 unbound typed leaves; 26 b/w photographs.

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