Folklore of Worsley: A Miscellaneous Collection of Tradition and Belief From the Area of Worsley, Salford Metropolitan District


A study of the folklore of Worsley people, based on oral and printed sources. Interviews were conducted with older residents, and children at a Primary School in Walkden. The study contains a section introducing Worsley past and present, followed by sections on medicinal remedies; beliefs (adult and children); local supernatural legends; annual festivals (New Year, Mid-Lent Sunday, Easter (including pace egging, egg decorating, Good Friday walks), May Day (including examples of May songs) and Mischief Night (May Day eve), Royal Oak Day, Whitsuntide, Harvest, Hallowe'en, Bonfire Night, Christmas); social and industrial customs (including Riding the Stang and Pan-ringing, Crying Notchel, Beating the Bounds, initiation ceremonies, leaving customs); pastimes (clog fighting, whippet racing, pigeon fancying, bear and bull baiting, cock fighting); children's games and rhymes (popular during the first quarter of the twentieth century), with descriptions and examples. Appendices contain three local recipes and a selection of jokes and rhymes collected from children at St. Andrew's Primary School, Walkden. Photographs show views of Worsley, past and present.


Identifier w665gdv3
IRN 410175
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/139
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Skinner, Margaret
Date 1975
Size and Medium 94 unbound typed leaves; 1 colour, 7 b/w photographs.

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