The Living Dialect of the Quarries at Crosland Hill, Near Huddersfield


A study of the dialect spoken in the village of Crosland Hill in the old West Riding of Yorkshire, with particular reference to the occupational language associated with its quarrying industry. An introduction to the village is followed by chapters which present descriptions of the sounds recorded in 1954, a glossary of quarrying terms and transcriptions (phonetic and orthographic) of part of a tape recording made by Stanley Ellis in 1954, in the home of a Crosland Hill inhabitant. The collector appends to this some notes on the new spelling suggested by the Simplified Spelling Society, and the same passage transcribed using this spelling system. The text of a paper, 'Dialect in the Quarries at Crosland Hill', read by the collector to a meeting of the Yorkshire Dialect Society in Bradford, December 1953, is also included.


Identifier hkhwstbh
IRN 410248
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/212
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Sykes, Donald Richard
Date 1954
Size and Medium 56 bound ms. leaves.

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