Wood-Turning in the West Pennines


A dissertation covering the development of three Lancashire family and village trades on the edge of the West Pennines. The three wood-turning firms studied are H. J. Berry and Sons Limited of Chipping (chairmakers), Cross's of Hurst Green (bobbin makers) and Forrest's of Ribchester (hayrake makers). The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first describes the geography of the area, and includes sections on raw material, source of power and transport. Chapter Two presents historical information on the development of the three villages, the families as part of the communities, and Manor Estates. The third chapter describes the factories, with sections on local employment, fluctuations in trade and employment, modernisation and new buildings and mechinisation. Chapter Four considers the end-products, and includes a glossary of trade terminology and items of promotional literature and stationery. The final chapter describes manufacturing techniques, with sections on the method of production, rush-seating and plastics. Photographs of premises, machinery, stages of production and finished articles are included throughout. Two salt water rush samples, as used in the seating of reproduction chairs, are also included within the thesis.


Identifier kbjjdtv7
IRN 410060
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/024
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/kbjjdtv7
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Earnshaw, David R
Date 1966
Size and Medium 116 unbound typed leaves; 68 b/w photographs; 2 rush samples.

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