The Derbyshire Well Dressings


A study of the well dressing custom observed in a number of Derbyshire villages. The first of three chapters includes sections on the origins and history of well dressing, and well dressings in literature. The second chapter concentrates on the construction of the well dressing, and describes with the aid of drawings and photographs the construction of the wooden frame, its filling with clay, and the method of dressing (petalling) it with flowers. The photographs show a completed well in the village of Hope, and work in progress on a dressing in Bradwell. The final chapter considers the social aspects of the custom, including the group of people (or beam) who construct the dressing, and allied events (Wakes/Gala/Carnival Week, Sheep Roast, Plague Sunday commemorative service in Eyam). Appendices provide a list of terms associated with well dressing, a list of fifteen villages where the custom is observed and an Ordnance Survey map of the Peak District.


Identifier crx3yspc
IRN 410173
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/137
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Bradbury, Kathleen Frances
Date 1971
Size and Medium 27 unbound typed leaves; 10 colour photographs.

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