Weather Lore as Observed in Disley and Surrounding Districts


A study of weatherlore known to the inhabitants of Disley in Cheshire, based on fieldwork interviews, responses to a circular letter and a letter to the local press. The material collected, totalling 166 items, is classified under eleven major categories, and these provide the chapter headings. Each chapter comprises a list of items, with each item accompanied by the number of the informant who provided it (21 informants in all). The eleven groupings are: sky, moon, wind, clouds, snow, frost etc., plants, trees and fruit, domestic animals, wild animals, miscellaneous creatures, birds, calendar superstitions, miscellaneous.


Identifier gsb3jtfy
IRN 410157
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/121
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Bradbury, Valerie
Date 1965
Size and Medium 25 unbound typed leaves.

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