The Phonology of the Dialect of Tideswell, in the County of Derbyshire


A study of the dialect spoken in Tideswell in Derbyshire. An introduction to the village and its geographical location is followed by chapters which present a descriptive account of the sounds of the dialect recorded in 1952, describe the development of Middle English sounds in the living dialect (vowels of accented and unaccented syllables), and present a tabular summary of Old English, Middle English, Scandinavian and Old French equivalents of stressed vowels in the living dialect. The appendices present words which have a distribution limited to Derbyshire (according to Joseph Wright's 'English Dialect Dictionary' (1898-1905), (hereafter EDD)), words which occur in the Tideswell dialect and are not recorded in the EDD, and which occur in the dialect but are not recorded for Derbyshire in the EDD. Further appendices present some notable dialectal features heard in the village by the collector, and maps to show the approximate geographical distribution of various dialectal linguistic features in the North Midlands and the North. A Word List is also included.


Identifier fl99f5yr
IRN 410239
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/203
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Booth, Valerie
Date 1952
Size and Medium xii, 180 bound ms. leaves.

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