The Coopers' Company, the Craft, and Gauging Casks


A thesis examining the history and practise of coopering, including a section outlining the history of the Coopers Company of London , and a description of hand coopering based on interviews with coopers and accounts of the craft. Photographs of tools are presented with a brief description of their function. The technique of gauging casks is outlined, accompanied by photographs of some of the older instruments used in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (courtesy of the Museum of Customs and Excise in London). A glossary of terms, giving brief etymologies, is also included.


Identifier b77qml2k
IRN 410075
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/039
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) O'Neill, G M
Date 1967
Size and Medium 70 bound typed leaves; 32 b/w photographs.

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