The Leeds Wash-Houses: A Study of Urban Folk Life


A study of wash-houses in Leeds, based on information gathered from official handbooks and annual reports, newspaper articles and interviews with women using wash-houses (some also conducted in their homes), wash-house staff and a Councillor who had campaigned against the closure of local wash-houses. The study's eight sections cover the opening and closure of wash-houses in the city, the washing process, the equipment used and the washing routines of two users, why women use(d) wash-houses, social aspects connected with their use, men and the wash-houses, the stigma of Dickensian poverty, newspaper cuttings and photocopied items relating to the (proposed) closure of some wash-houses, and information on wash-houses in Manchester, Liverpool and Edinburgh. Photographs taken by the collector at wash-houses in the Kirkstall Road, Quarry Hill and Meanwood Road areas of Leeds are included.


Identifier hqzldw65
IRN 410100
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/064
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Wilson, Janet Elizabeth
Date 1976
Size and Medium 75 unbound typed leaves; 13 colour photographs.

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