Folk Traditions Among the Employees of the Railway Industry at Crewe


A study of the way of life of people connected with the railway industry in Crewe, and the influence that the railway community had upon them. The collector gathered information from seven male informants, six of whom were retired railwaymen. The first of ten sections presents the historical background to the development of Crewe as a railway centre, where by 1842 four railway company lines converged. Further sections outline the development of the town of Crewe, describe railway houses and the railway engineering works (including its different shops), the work of railway workshop men, the running operators (drivers and firemen), the railwaymen at home (social life, the church, sports, dancing and recreation), local names and traditions. An Appendix provides a general index of local names and expressions. Photographs show railway houses and the engineering works, and other views of the town.


Identifier bb91bs13
IRN 410122
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/086
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Latham, Jean
Date 1964
Size and Medium 43 unbound typed leaves; 19 b/w photographs.

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