The Living Dialect of Nangreaves near Bury, Lancashire


A study of the dialect spoken in Nangreaves in Lancashire, based on fieldwork interviews with five local informants. The Introduction contains information on the village and the informants, and includes a section describing the Simnel Sunday custom observed in and around the Bury area (and referred to by most of the collector's informants). The day, the fourth Sunday in Lent, was marked by public processions and the making of Simnel cakes. A recipe for such a cake is included in this section. The first of three chapters presents a description of the sounds of the dialect [recorded in 1967], followed by orthographic and phonetic transcriptions of a tape recording of one of the principal informants, made by the collector in July 1967. The third chapter contains a vocabulary list of words recorded in the dialect, but which were not used in the study. An Appendix provides information on the Definite Article. Photographs show views of the village. The tape recording referred to in the study was not submitted with the dissertation.


Identifier d8vf4wmy
IRN 410292
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/256
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Brown, Nora S
Date 1968
Size and Medium 113 bound ms. leaves; 8 b/w photographs.

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