The Customs and Traditions of the Staffordshire Regiment


A dissertation which records and analyses the customs and traditions of the Staffordshire Regiment of the British Army, based on written sources and interviews with past and present members of the Regiment. The study comprises seven chapters. The first presents a brief history of the Regiment; the second covers aspects of written and spoken language (Regimental titles, nicknames, terminology, mottoes, toasts, collect (prayer), magazines and newspapers). The third chapter concerns music, song and musical instruments, and examples of song texts are given. Chapter Four concerns aspects of dress and insignia, with sections on uniforms, badges, buttons, colours and other miscellaneous aspects. The fifth chapter describes Regimental customs, and includes sections on mascots, Regimental Days, Mess customs, initiation ceremonies and other customs. Chapter Six outlines the Regiment's association with Staffordshire, and the final chapter describes its associations with other Units. The study contains illustrations and diagrams showing Regimental emblems and changes in Regimental Facings. An example of the Holland Patch is also included. An appendix provides information on the Staffordshire Regiment Museum.


Identifier gbsmtcjz
IRN 410136
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/100
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Harvey, M C
Date 1970
Size and Medium 116 unbound typed leaves.

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