The Living Dialect of the Village of Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire


A study of the dialect spoken in the Hertfordshire village of Wheathampstead. An introduction to the village is followed by chapters which present information on the informants, a descriptive account of the sounds of the dialect recorded in 1953, the development of the Middle English sounds of the dialect (vowels and consonants), and a tabular summary of Old English, Middle English, Scandinavian and Old French equivalents of stressed vowels in the dialect. An Appendix includes phonetic and orthographic transcriptions of a passage taken from a tape recording of a Wheathampstead speaker, made by Stanley Ellis in December 1953. This passage describes the process of haymaking. A Word List is also included. In collecting information, the collector made use of the Dieth-Orton Questionnaire, and the responses for Books I-IX of this questionnaire, recorded phonetically, are included on fieldwork sheets [93 ms. leaves]. These responses were included as one of three Hertfordshire locations in the published 'Survey of English Dialects', [edited] by Harold Orton and Eugen Dieth. [Section] B, 'The Basic Material'. Vol. 3, pts. 1-3, 'The East Midland Counties and East Anglia', edited by Harold Orton and Philip M. Tilling (Leeds: Published for the University of Leeds by E. J. Arnold, 1969-1971).


Identifier bylwl2v1
IRN 410245
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/209
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Haslam, Marie
Date 1954
Size and Medium xiii, 114, 93 bound ms. leaves; 8 b/w photographs.

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