It's Only a Game? An Account of the Leisure Time Activities of Some Children in Grimsby, Lincolnshire


A study of children's playground and indoor games, drawing on material collected by folklorists of the past, and the collector's own fieldwork in two Grimsby schools. Four chapters present descriptions and analysis of nursery rhymes, games played outside (dipping, ring, skipping, boys' games, chasing, ball, other), singing games, jokes and riddles, language, nicknames, initiation rites, beliefs concerning good and bad luck, calendar events including birthdays, Easter, Halloween, Christmas, New Year's Eve, party games and other indoor games. A concluding chapter presents a critique of the work of others in the field of collecting, classifying and interpreting children's folklore, including Alice Gomme, Leslie Daiken, Norman Douglas, Iona Opie and Peter Opie. Textual transcriptions, photographs and drawings are included throughout the study. Fourteen tune transcriptions, and an index to the items referred to in the text, and their position on an accompanying tape recording, are also included.


Identifier wry27vrs
IRN 410222
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/186
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Whitney, Norman F
Date 1964
Size and Medium 134 unbound typed leaves, [9], 13; 23 b/w photographs.

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