The Folklore of the Northumbrian Fishing Communities


A study of crab, lobster and salmon fishermen, and the communities in which they live, covering the length of the Northumberlandcoast. In collecting folklore of the area and the industry, the collector undertook a postal survey, including the sending out of two questionnaires (one concerned with social life, the other with fishing), and fieldwork interviews with fishermen. The study is divided into seventeen chapters. The first provides an outline of the area and the aims of the thesis, a general social and economic history of the area from the mid-nineteenth century onwards, and a description of the villages and people under consideration. The following chapters describe the coast itself, the islands and villages, their harbours and monuments, situations and recent histories; customs connected with birth, marriage and death; calendar customs; weatherlore; traditional medicine; foodways; livelihood and household support; dress; communication and movement within the fishing communities; fishing customs; tales and legends; non-technical words (expressions and sayings); superstitions observed on shore and at sea; folk songs; games and dancing; local terms for fishing implements, parts of boats, phenomena and fish.


Identifier vs8cd7b2
IRN 410077
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/041
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Robson, Joanne
Date 1967
Size and Medium 109 unbound typed leaves; 7 colour photographs; postcard prints.

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