

A study of Staithes in North Yorkshire, in two sections. The first considers the community, and contains an introduction to the village and its history, and sections on the social pattern (dress, education, religion, entertainment, dialect) and custom and belief (superstition, birth, marriage and death customs, festival customs). The second section focusses on fishing, and comprises sections on boats, crab, herring and line fishing, and the weather (weatherlore, weather proverbs and the tides). Photographs illustrating the village and aspects of village life are included, and comprise some taken by the collector, and copies taken from the Frank Meadow Sutcliffe Collection in Whitby.


Identifier pk8n27s5
IRN 410133
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/097
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Day, Angela M
Date 1967
Size and Medium 75 unbound typed leaves; 16 colour, 4 b/w photographs.

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