Change-Ringing: The Development of Bells and Change-Ringing with Particular Reference to the Ringers of Send Church in Surrey


A dissertation comprising five chapters. The first gives a history of church bells and change-ringing, with sections on the origin of church bells, the use of church bells, bell-founders, bell-metal, casting, shape, tuning, the baptism of bells, ringing societies and the rise of change-ringing, bell hanging, mechanical and hand ringing. Chapter Two presents a short explanation of change-ringing, with sections on changes and places, Plain Hunt, Ropesight, Plain Bob, methods and numbers of bells, Plain Courses and Touches, peals and quarter-peals. The third and fourth chapters focus on the church in Send, Surrey, where the collector bell rings and where her fieldwork was carried out. Chapter Three gives a history of the church, with sections on its Report Book and a history of the bells. The fourth chapter focusses on the ringers at Send, with sections on organisation, the Striking Competition, training days, practice evenings, Saturday Service ringing, weddings, funerals and peals, Christmas and New Year, the attraction of bell ringing, complaints about ringing. The final chapter comprises a glossary and a short etymology of some of the terms. The study also contains transcriptions of tape-recorded interviews with Send bell ringers, made in July and November 1979. A photocopy of the Order of Service for the dedication in 1948 of the peal of six bells at Send is also included.


Identifier lf31kzxc
IRN 410144
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/108
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Bell, Brigid M
Date 1980
Size and Medium 82 unbound typed leaves.

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