Aspects of Selected Public Houses in Leicester and Ratby, with Particular Reference to Games and Associated Customs


A study of six public houses, situated in the village of Ratby and suburban and urban areas of the city of Leicester. Fieldwork involved informal interviews with landlords and landladies, bar staff and customers, and the taking of photographs of the exterior and interior of each of the selected pubs. Each pub is described in terms of its history, internal layout, furnishings and decoration, and the games played within them by their customers. The latter (darts, dominoes, cribbage, skittles and fruit machines) are described for the pubs in each of the three settings, with accompanying diagrams and photographs, descriptions of variations played in each pub and associated customs (rules and methods of playing). A final section discusses the games, the frequency with which they are played, and the people who play them.


Identifier jgr3rrl9
IRN 410216
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/180
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Newport, Rosemary
Date 1970
Size and Medium 86 unbound typed leaves; 45 b/w photographs.

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