The Hand-Made Nail Industry of Birmingham and the Midlands


A dissertation focussing on the nail making industry of Birmingham and the Midlands. Its five chapters cover the early history of the industry (mineral deposits and early iron industry, slitting mills), nail manufacture (nail making process, types of nail, machinery), the arrangement of the industry (the organisation of the nailing industry and its social aspect, nailers' houses and workshops), abuses of the industry (nailers, nail masters and fagging, strikes and wages), the distribution of the industry (places of manufacture, table of placenames and sources of information, nailing in Northfield). Photographs of nailers' cottages, workshops and work tools are included, with also magazine and newspaper cuttings, sketches, correspondence and the edited transcript of an interview between the collector and Fred Hobbis.


Identifier xzkx3yv1
IRN 410053
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/2/017
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Undergraduate Dissertations
Creator(s) Penny, E John
Date 1964
Size and Medium ii, 75 unbound typed leaves; 11 b/w photographs; 1 O.S. map.

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