The queen's royal cookery: or, Expert and ready way for the dressing of all sorts of flesh, fowl, fish : either bak'd, boil'd, roasted, stew'd, fry'd, broil'd, hash'd, frigasied, carbonaded, forc'd, collar'd, sous'd, dry'd, &c.. After the best and newest way. With their several sauses and salads. And making all sorts of pickles. Also making variety of pies, pasties, tarts, cheese-cakes, custards, creams, &c


Bitting, K.G. Gastronomic bib 210.


Identifier zy6vr3hb
IRN 252624
Class Mark Cookery A/HAL
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Cookery Printed Books A - British

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