Dictionaire oeconomique, or, The family dictionary : containing the most experienced methods of improving estates and of preserving health... the most advantageous ways of breeding, feeding, and ordering all sorts of domestick animals ... the different kinds of nets, snares, and engines for taking all sorts of fish, birds, and other game, great variety of rules, directions, and new discoveries relating to gardening ... the best and cheapest ways of providing and improving all manner of meats and drinks ... means of making the most advantage of the manufactures of soap, starch, spinning, cotton, thread, &c., the methods to take or destroy vermin and other animals injurious to gardening ... an account of the several weights, measures, &c. of metals and minerals ... all sorts of rural sports and exercises ... The whole illustrated throughout with very great variety of figures
The translator, who is unnamed, died before publication. Vol. 1: [490] p.; v. 2: [558] p. Contents: v. 1. From A to H -- v. 2. From H to Z.
Identifier | kydnmyz7 |
IRN | 259827 |
Class Mark | Large Cookery A/CHO |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - Book |
Peristent Link | http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/kydnmyz7 |
Collection(s) | Cookery Collection |
Category | Archive Print |
Parent Record | Cookery Printed Books A - British |