Court cookery, or, The compleat English cook : containing the choicest and newest receipts for making soops, pottages, fricasseys, harshes, farces, ragoos, cullises, sauces, forc'd-meats and souses; with various ways of dressing most sorts of flesh, fish and fowl, wild and tame; with the best methods of potting and collaring. As likewise of pastes, pies, pastys, pattys, puddings, tansies, biskets, creams, cheesecakes, Florendines, cakes, jellies, sillabubs and custards. Also of pickling, candying and preserving: with a bill of fare for every month in the year, and the latest improvements in cookery, &c


Includes indexes.


Identifier l8h6ms73
IRN 253982
Class Mark Cookery A/SMI
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Cookery Printed Books A - British

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