The English house-wife : containing the inward and outward vertues which ought to be in a compleate woman, as her skill in physick, surgery, cookery, extraction of oyles, banqueting stuffe, ordering of great feasts, preseruing of all sorts of wines, conceited secrets, distillations, perfumes, ordering of wooll, hempe, flax, making cloth, and dying, the knowledge of dayries, office of malting, of oates, their excellent vses in a family, of brewing, baking, and all other things belonging to an houshold. A work generally approued, and now the fourth time much augmented, purged and made most profitable and necessary for all men, and the generall good of this kingdome


Dedication signed: Gervase Markham. "The English huswife" originally appeared as book 2 of Country contentments, 1615, and was later reprinted with other treatises by Markham in A way to get wealth.


Identifier x26r9rhf
IRN 253655
Class Mark Cookery A/MAR
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Cookery Printed Books A - British

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