Bradshaw's valuable family companion : being a collection of such choice matters, as all ought to be acquainted with, who intend to spend their lives either pleasant or profitable. Containing, among a variety of other things, all that concerns cookery, confectionary, preserving, pastry... with a great number of other necessary articles, not to be met with in any other book: particularly Mons. Millen's method of preserving metals from rust ... Also, the most certain and best method for the management of a good beer cellar ... This book also contains, a description of most diseases incident to the human body, with plain and intelligible directions for the cure


Identifier vd5n4rgt
IRN 253955
Class Mark Cookery A/BRA
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Cookery Printed Books A - British

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