The domestic oracle: or, A complete system of modern cookery and family economy : containing directions for purchasing, keeping, and dressing, all kinds of butcher's meat, fish, poultry, and game... To the whole are added, hints to masters, and instructions to servants; observations calculate to diminish expense, and to promote comfort in housekeeping; monitions for the preserving of health; and a copious collection of receipts, for family purposes and occasional circumstances. The whole drawn from the best sources, and the experience of forty years
Includes index.
Identifier | pxm42c2j |
IRN | 261190 |
Class Mark | Cookery A/MUR |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - Book |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Cookery Collection |
Category | Archive Print |
Parent Record | Cookery Printed Books A - British |