A way to get wealth : containing six principall vocations, or callings, in which every good husband or house-wife may lawfully imploy themselves... The first five books gathered by G.M., the last by Master W.L. for the benefit of Great Britaine
Each work has a separate title-page and pagination. Numerous errors in pagination. Contents: Cheape and good husbandry for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowles and for the generall cure of their diseases. 8th ed. 1653 -- Country contentments, or, The husbandmans recreation. 7th ed. 1654 -- The English hous-wife. 1653 -- The inrichment of the weald of Kent... Rev., enl., and corr. 1653 -- Markhams farewell to husbandry ... 5th ed. 1653 -- A new orchard and garden, or, The best way for planting, grafting, and to make any ground good for a rich orchard ... / by William Lawson. 2 ed. 1653 -- The country house-wives garden. 1653. Wing M676.
Identifier | k4zp7r9x |
IRN | 253657 |
Class Mark | Cookery A/MAR |
Level | Piece |
Type of Record | Archives - Book |
Peristent Link | http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/k4zp7r9x |
Collection(s) | Cookery Collection |
Category | Archive Print |
Parent Record | Cookery Printed Books A - British |