The whole body of cookery dissected, taught, and fully manifested, methodically, artificially, and according to the best tradition of the English, French, Italian, Dutch, &c. Or, a sympathy of all varieties in natural compounds in that mysterie. Wherein is contained certain bills of fare for the seasons of the year, for feasts and common diets. Whereunto is annexed a second part of rare receipts of cookery: with certain useful traditions. With a book of preserving, conserving and candying, after the most exquisite and newest manner: delectable for ladies and gentlewomen


Signatures a and b differ from those in another 1673 edition, and sig.b is without page numbers. "Books printed for Mris. Calvert": p.[8] at end. Dedication signed: Will. Rabisha.


Identifier dtyp3pdf
IRN 252668
Class Mark Cookery A/RAB
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Cookery Printed Books A - British

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