The court and country cook : giving new and plain directions how to order all manner of entertainments, and the best sort of the most exquisite a-la-mode ragoo's. Together with new instructions for confectioners shewing how to preserve all sorts of fruits, as well dry as liquid; also how to make divers sugar-works and other fine pieces of curiosity; how to set out a dessert, or banquet of sweet-meats to the best advantage; and, how to prepare several sorts of liquours that are proper for every season of the year. A work more especially necessary for stewards, clerks of the kitchen, confectioners, butlers, and other officers, and also of great use in private families


A translation of Le cuisinier roial et bourgeois and of Nouvelle instruction pour les confitures. Anonymous. By François Massialot. Advertisement for books printed for A. and J. Churchill, p. [1-2] at end. The New instructions for confectioners and the New instructions for liquors have separate pagination. Includes indexes. A.W. Oxford, English cookery books to the year 1850, p. 47-48.


Identifier qbpz834v
IRN 253669
Class Mark Cookery A/MAS
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Cookery Printed Books A - British

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