The ladies cabinet enlarged and opened : containing many rare secrets, and rich ornaments of several kindes, and different uses. Comprized under three general heads, viz. of 1. preserving, conserving, candying, &c., 2. physick and chirurgery, 3. cookery and houswifery. Whereunto is added sundry experiments and choice extractions of waters, oyls, &c


Previous ed. published as: The ladies cabinet opened. 1639. Preface signed: M.B. Advertisements on p. [6-17] at end. Indexed in: Wing B135.


Identifier w88p3qk8
IRN 252294
Class Mark Cookery A/RUT
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Cookery Printed Books A - British

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