The cook's complete guide, on the principles of frugality, comfort, and elegance : including the art of carving and the most approved method of setting-out a table, explained by numerous copper-plate engravings. Instructions for preserving health and attaining old age, with directions for breeding and fattening all sorts of poultry and for the management of bees, rabbits, pigs, &c. &c., rules for cultivating a garden and numerous useful miscellaneous receipts


Added engraved title-page, illustrated, with title: The new London cookery and complete domestic guide, by a lady. By Esther Copley. Includes index.


Identifier mhyv8fbp
IRN 263016
Class Mark Cookery A/COP
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Cookery Printed Books A - British

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