The assize of bread : with sundry good and needful ordinances for bakers, brewers, inholders, victuallers, vintners and butchers; and other assizes in weights and measures which by the laws of this realm are commanded to be observed and kept by all manner of persons as well within liberties as without. Whereunto are also added sundry good and needful orders in making and retailing of all kinds of lawful breads... agreeing with the statutes, laws, ancient orders and customs of this realm of England. Which statutes, ancient orders and customs ... have been seen, allowed, and are commanded to be kept by the right honorable the lords & others of the Kings majesties honorable Privy-Council. Newly corrected & enlarged from twelve pence the quarter of wheat unto three pound and six pence the quarter, according to the rising and falling of the price in the market, by six pence altering in every quarter. Also, the ordering of the clerk of the markets office and for reformatation of false weights and measures according to the statute
By John Powel. References: Goldsmiths' Lib. cat: 1980; Wing P3059.
Identifier | dk3893lq |
IRN | 253476 |
Class Mark | Cookery A/POW |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - Book |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Cookery Collection |
Category | Archive Print |
Parent Record | Cookery Printed Books A - British |