A way to get wealth : containing six principal vocations, or callings, in which every good husband or house-wive may lawfully employ themselves... The first five books gathered by G.M., the last by master W.L. for the benefit of Great Brittain


Pagination irregular. Each book has special t.p. and separate pagination. Pagination irregular. Contents: Cheap and good husbandry. 14th ed. 1683 -- Country contentments. 11th ed. 1683. -- The English house-wife. 1683. The inrichment of the weald of Kent. 1683. -- Markham's farewell to husbandry. 1684 -- A new orchard & garden. 1683 -- The country house-wife's garden. 1684. References: Kress Lib: 1584; Wing: M645.


Identifier kvgjzz49
IRN 253479
Class Mark Cookery A/MAR
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/kvgjzz49
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Cookery Printed Books A - British

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