The way to get wealth : I. Directing how to make 23 sorts of English wine, equal to French, and cyder equal to Canary, to make wine of all sorts of herbs, to make mead, rum, rack, mum, coffee, tea, chocolate, butler's ale, brandy, cordial waters, and 40 sorts of ale, in a minute... II. A help to discourse, giving an account of the commodities of all countries ... III. A book of knowledge for all persons, containing accounts cast up, rates of car, water and coachmen ... of sun rising and setting; tide ebbing and flowing; make strops to set razors; to preserve the eyes, and other rarities


Anon., by Thomas Tryon. Each part has an individual title-page, that of part 3 being dated 1702.


Identifier xrr2sjtg
IRN 252315
Class Mark Cookery A/TRY
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Cookery Printed Books A - British

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