The lady's assistant for regulating and supplying the table : being a complete system of cookery. Containing the most select bills of fare, properly disposed, for family dinners of five dishes to two courses of eleven and fifteen. With bills of fare for suppers... and several desserts ... Likewise directions for brewing ... Also, remarks on kitchen poisons, ... with an appendix, containing general particulars on the breeding, rearing, and management of poultry
With index on final 23 pages. Final page is blank. With "Appendix to Mrs. Mason's cookery" after p. 422. With separate pagination and half-title. First edition published in 1773 -- Cf. Vicaire 572-3.
Identifier | yxmypnn1 |
IRN | 256040 |
Class Mark | Cookery A/MAS |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - Book |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Cookery Collection |
Category | Archive Print |
Parent Record | Cookery Printed Books A - British |