The country housewife, and lady's director, for every month of the year : Both in the frugal management of the house, and in the delights and profits of the farm. Containing the whole art of cookery, laid down in a great variety of the best and cheapest receipts... Likewise the best methods to be observed in brewing malt liquors, and making the several sorts of English wines. The arts of pickling, preserving, confectionary, pastry, &c., &c. Together with a few of the most approved and efficacious medicines, proper to be kept in every private family. Published for the good of the public
Identifier | brjhkxwc |
IRN | 258655 |
Class Mark | Cookery A/BRA |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - Book |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Cookery Collection |
Category | Archive Print |
Parent Record | Cookery Printed Books A - British |