The English house-wife, containg [sic] the inward and outward vertues which ought to be in a complete woman. As her skill in physick, chirurgery, cookery, extraction of oyls, banqueting stuff, ordering of great feasts, preserving of all sort of wides, conceited secrets, distillatians, perfimes, ordering of wool, hemp, flax: making cloth and dying; the knowledge of dayries: office of malting; of oats, their excellent uses in families: of brewing, baking, and all other things belonging to an household. A work generally approved, and now the eighth time much augmented, purged, and made most profitable and necessary for all men, and the general good of this nation
Pagination irregular. Probably the 2d part of his Country contentments, the 1st part being a work on husbandry.
Identifier | njx8vcwg |
IRN | 253664 |
Class Mark | Cookery A/MAR |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - Book |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Cookery Collection |
Category | Archive Print |
Parent Record | Cookery Printed Books A - British |