Sound Recordings, Cambridgeshire


[Collector announcement]; Harry Lowe, recorded in Stretham on the 24 July 1975; talks about food and the cost of living; working on a carrier's cart to Cambridge; farm labourers' wages; being an apprentice baker; working as a barrow boy in London; work as a coal merchant; poultry breeding; village fire; thatched houses; describes his childhood home; the changing role of women; school days and discipline; yard games and sport; November 5th pranks; describes Stretham Feast. [Tr. 2] [Collector announcement]; George Markwell, recorded at Wilburton on the 25 July 1975; talks about his agricultural working life; the crops grown on The Fens; Wilburton village and changes after World War One; local transport links - the railway and carriers' (carts); (wattle and daub) housing; local water supplies (wells and springs); domestic coal and peat burning; baking in brick ovens; bell ringing; [intermittent traffic noise throughout]; [collector announcement]; further talk of bell ringing; the tones and age of the bells at Wilburton; the village drum and fife band; the Men's Institute; the effect of World War One on the village; the village hall and pubs; Wilburton church; [collector announcement]; talk of part of a cart wheel (the streak) used as a kitchen hearth fender. [Intermittent traffic noise]. [Tr. 3] [Collector announcement]; Iliffe Norfolk, recorded at Wilburton on the 25 July 1975; talks about Wilburton church and its location; the history of the village and its name; village buildings, including the church and the Rectory; fruit growing; (growth in) the village population; local family names that have died out; housing and domestic heating and cooking arrangements; story of an oak tree said to have been planted by Henry VII; relates stories of local gossip's revenge (and victim of husband's beatings), and a drunkard and an owl; talk of the village's location; differences in speech between Cambridgeshire, the Isle of Ely and Norfolk; terms/names, dialect words/speakers from Wilburton; preservation/decline of dialect. [Tr. 4] 14 of 15.


Identifier zttyj4k2
IRN 414729
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A678r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Tammivaara, Irmeli
Date July 1975
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 79' 53".

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