Sound Recordings, Cheshire


Antrobus Soul-Cakers perform their soul-caking play, outside the Holly Bush pub, Little Leigh. Very low recording level. Traffic noise obscures the speakers' voices on occasion. [Tr. 1] Antrobus Soul-Cakers perform their soul-caking play in the Maypole pub, Acton Bridge. [Tr. 2] Antrobus Soul-Cakers perform their soul-caking play in the Hazel Pear pub, Acton Bridge. [Tr. 3] Discussion between Peter Harrop, Graham Seal and Maureen Seal, recorded in a car travelling to Leeds, following a fieldwork trip to Cheshire to record the Antrobus Soul-Cakers [see Trs. 1-3 above]. All present their recollections of what happened, and describe where the recordings were made, their feelings at the time and the discussions that took place regarding the soul-cakers (including with the publican of the Wheatsheaf pub in Antrobus, and reference also to Susan Pattison); each describes the play's characters and the costumes worn; individual locations and comments on each performance in Little Leigh and Acton Bridge, with thoughts on the audiences, atmosphere, people's attitudes to the soul-cakers, conversations held with some of the performers regarding performance locations and rehearsals, humour, the horse [character]. [Tr. 4] 5 of 39.


Identifier sq95j25j
IRN 414551
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A500r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Harrop, Peter K
Date 31 October 1977
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 71' 40".

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