Sound Recordings, Devon


[Collector announcement]; Mr. Tarr of Holcombe Rogus talks about retirement; his working life for the County Council; slate quarrying; education; farm work as a child; pay at the quarry; working on the land; harvest time; cost of living; cider/wine making; singing; dances, skittles, sport; marriage; Christmas and ashen faggots; harvest thanksgiving at Greenham Chapel [?in Dorset]; charity work during World War Two - organisation of dances; singing and songs; recites part of 'Misery Farm'; sings 'Show Me Your Yo-Yo Tonight'; talk of farm and slate quarry work; biographical information; charity work and singing; Devonshire dialect; dancing and singing in Holcombe; more on dialect, including placenames; marriage; poultry farming; conversation re. the collector's trip to England; pub singing in Sampford Peverell. [Tr. 1] [Collector announcement]; Mr. Mills of Sampford Peverell talks about farming; milking cows; beef cattle; school; family farms; marriage; inheriting his parents' farm; farming since the age of fourteen; recollections of childhood spent in Tiverton; wartime - American Army camp, prisoners of war in Tiverton; schools in Tiverton. [Tr. 2] [Collector announcement]; Mr. S. Webber of Craze Lowman talks about his work with the Devon Cattle Breeders' Society; farming dairy herd, sheep, pigs, arable land and crops; changes in modern farming; horses and mechanisation; ploughing; shooting rabbits; leisure time; sports at school; religious beliefs; biographical information; Christmas - parties, games, shooting, ashen faggots; fairs at Bampton and Sampford Peverell; price of livestock; harvest festivals; farm sizes; Devonshire dialect; catching rabbits and hares. [Tr. 3] [Collector announcement]; Mr. Mills of Sampford Peverell gives biographical details; talks about parents and the places he has lived; farming and farm size; livestock; modern farming; haymaking; leisure; Christmas and burning ashen faggots; Bampton Fair; winters and flooding; Bampton Fair marking start of winter; harvest festivals; church decoration - changes; church attendance; school; experience of World War Two - father in the Home Guard; Americans; prisoners of war; local cider making. [Tr. 4] [Collector announcement]; Mr. Webber of Craze Lowman talks about farming; ploughing; livestock; milking; crop rotation; Bampton Fair; changes in stock; harvest time as children. [Tr. 5]. Interview continues on tape LAVC/SRE/A692r. 4 of 6.


Identifier ld2x7gx3
IRN 414742
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A691r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Stigell, Ossi
Date 1976
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 94' 51".

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