Sound Recording, Sufffolk


Horace White, recorded at home in Spexhall; talks about the effect of World War One and the Army on his thinking/outlook; village water supply; infant/child mortality; suicide; Socialism and being a socialist; old estate system; Communism; Chartism; Capitalism and labour; farming and political philosophy; British voting system; involvement in local politics; the village and influx of outsiders; pubs; World War One experiences; standard of living; marriage; home building. Recites the words of 'Serving Maid'; sings 'Southwold Fair'; comments on this and the song 'Happy Ploughboy'; sings 'Under the Old Oak Tree' [incomplete]; pub singing and persuading people to sing; being in the right mood for singing; sings 'Happy Ploughboy'; comments on Army songs; recites words and sings chorus to 'Rachel Virginsky'; songs sung by his mother-in-law; stories in song; recites verse from 'Over the Burning Plains of Egypt', and from other unidentified songs; singing with friends; social centre at Ringsfield; mother-in-law's singing; own childhood and mother; recites words to a song about a mother; singing competitions; thoughts on women in pubs; agricultural wages before/after the second war ; Americans in Suffolk; recites words of an unidentified song; reflects on life. Conclusion of session which starts on tape LAVC/SRE/A376r. 49 of 79.


Identifier nhkh3g54
IRN 414428
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A377r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Dunn, Ginette
Date 12 September 1974
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 63' 45".

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