Sound Recordings, Derbyshire


Unidentified female informant, recorded in Charlesworth [by male collector, from Canterbury]; talks about cotton mills and rope works in the area; changes in the village, including new housing and transport links; working life and wages at the age of thirteen; costs of living; decimalisation; local dialect and sayings [gives examples used by her father]; reference to Bernard Higgenbottom; father's barber's shop; doctor and dental surgeries; coal strike in the 1920s; the Howard family (Lords of the Manor); the railway; informant's (horse) brass collection; the dying out of local customs, including the Whit Walks; village brass band and pub. [Tr. 6] Unidentified male, recorded in Charlesworth, relates two anecdotes concerning his father. [Tr. 7] Unidentified female, recorded in Charlesworth; talks about the tape recorder; children's games, including skipping, ball games, skipping rhymes, cricket and stool ball; local school teachers; respect for elders; changes in children's upbringing; playing Hare and Hounds; mother's housekeeping work; milk deliveries; beastings; family; local quarries including Glory Hole; Grandpa Hilton [Arthur Hilton, on tape LAVC/SRE/A845r?]; village cricket; newcomers to the village; husband's work/working life; worries over children's health; women in pubs; whist drives; local politics and politicians; views on religion. [Tr. 8] Unidentified male, recorded in Charlesworth; talks about the village; Whit Walks; sports and the successes of the local football, cricket and tennis clubs; mill work as a child, whilst still at school; wages at the age of twelve, and when full time as a thirteen year old. [Tr. 9]


Identifier h5y1537z
IRN 414899
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A848r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Massarella, Mr
Date [1960s]
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 48' 19".

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