Sound Recording
George Ewart Evans presents a radio programme entitled 'Horsepower and Magic' [BBC Home Service 1964-09-17 20:30], which includes horsemen from East Anglia and Scotland talking about the folklore and folk life associated with working horses; toad bone carried by horsemen to stop a horse; carrying a hagstone to protect horses from witches (also a flint stone hung in the stable); grooming/harnassing a horse; ploughing with no reins; bringing horses home by words only; horseman's relationship with his horses; calls to horses; ploughing, and lifting the plough to help the horses; home made penicillin (mouldy apples) to cure horses; use of herbs; testing the temperature of the earth before sowing; grooming; Show ribbons, braiding tails; Michaelmas fairs; feeding horses (farmers' rivalry); horseman's clothing; labourers'/day man wages - clothes worn; hob nail boots (deckers); Billycock hats; harness making/repairing in Suffolk; blacksmithing; herbs/chemicals on clothing to control horses; potency of frog's bone; Society of Horsemen (Scotland), history, links with witchcraft, horse cult, underground trade union, initiation ceremony, oath taking, horseman's word, ordeal as part of the initiation, ceremonial regalia; use of herbs and chemicals to control horses; use of toad bone - preparation described - choose the bone that floats upstream when washed in a stream at midnight with a full moon; powdered bone mixed with oils and applied when needed.
Identifier | pn1t41d7 |
IRN | 414696 |
Class Mark | LAVC/SRE/A645r |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Audiotape Sound Recordings |
Creator(s) | British Broadcasting Corporation |
Date | [1960s/1970s] |
Size and Medium | 1 x 17.8cm open reel spool, Duration: 42' 41". |